MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

West Chester Victory Rally ~ 02-16-08

The weather on this mid-February Saturday was near perfect. I arrived early to see many new faces among our crowd and recurring favorites! I am ever inspired by the tenacity and committment of our group – You are my rock! One gentleman, Dan, and his son drove from Maryland to participate in our weekly victory rally. His son, John, is scheduled to start his basic training at Ft. Benning this coming Wednesday. The membership of the CCPM extends a heartfelt ‘good luck’ to John as he embarks on his chosen career. We also look forward to standing with Dan at future rallies here in West Chester.

I have to say that it is always a joy to see our balloons and flags decorating the steps of the Courthouse as I walk upon the corner. One of these days, I am going to get a good photo to share with the readership. Until then, I would like to introduce one of our finest – Frank – a WW2 veteran who recently joined our group on the steps of the Courthouse.

Frank is never shy about his opinion on war, that is what I admire about this gentleman.

I have such great material to work with when documenting this rally. Not only do we have the right message, we attract talented photographers and also model material – which makes my job all the more sweeter.
I’ve got to give kudos to Bob K’s creative ways to combat the message of despair from the other side. This week, he prepared for a rumored visit from Code Pink by creating a custom packaged soap to hand out to them. Alas, no Code Pink was present at this rally, but could we apply this to our recently acquired Women In Black (WIB) infection? Sean, a talented photographer and articulate member of our band of patriots, weighs in on the story of Iraq and debating with the ‘other side’.

“America is not the enemy” – can someone send this memo to Nancy Pelosi and the Dem controlled Congress…and the CCPM….and Berkeley.

I allowed one of our youngsters to shoot video with my Canon MiniDV – the result can be seen below. Enjoy the premier work of my protege – Ben.

I won’t argue with 99% of the signs in the photo below – can you guess which one I would consider problematic?

The membership of the Chester County Victory Movemvent display their message of thanks and support with style – every week.
A look at the other side, with ‘peace’ flags unfurled:

February 16, 2008 Posted by | Pennsylvania | | Leave a comment