MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

I phone Apps You Cannot Live Without – ShoZu

ShoZu. What is it? I can tell you it is not Tofu Turkey, but an integral part of my mobile blogging.

The ShoZu website has a more precise definition :

Shozu means you can share the moment, be it photos or video or a blog. You can send your stuff to friends and family, email or social networks as simply as pressing the button.

ShoZu and I first met when I purchased the 3G iphone. With the purchase of this phone, I lost the ability to send photos and text directly to my blog and Flickr account from my phone. With all the flash and glamour surrounding the iphone, I figured it was a small price to pay for this wonder of modern technology. Humph, you really don’t comprehend the value of a blogging widget until you no longer have use of it.

Desperately missing the ability to mobile blog, I started poking around the Apps Store on the i-phone and found a free and uniquely named application with a description that fit my mobile blogging needs.

This easy to use application has far more capabilities than just a photo up loader, I quickly added a Flickr up loader, a Twitter feed, and my Blogger account. With the ShoZu application, I can Twitter, monitor replies from Twitter followers, upload photos to Flickr including photo tags, descriptions and geotagging. Combining ShoZu with the G3 network, I am now freed from my laptop or desktop in order to blog. All of this from one i-phone application!

Little did I know how huge an impact these features would have on my coverage as a credentialed blogger at the 2008 RNC Convention. Credentialed bloggers at the RNC convention were treated as main stream media, and were expected to fork out between $850 – $52,000 dollars for 4 days of internet access at the Xcel Center. That’s a lot of clams! With the G3 network and ShoZu, I was able to work around this expense and blog from the Xcel center. Sitting in the Xcel Center as Gov. Sarah Palin gave her historic and groundbreaking speech, I was twittering my impressions using ShoZu’s platform. During the four days of the convention, I posted many photos from events in and around the Xcel Energy Center on to Flickr using ShoZu. Without this application, It would have been difficult to get timely stories and photos out to my readers and lurkers on MidnightBlue.

This iphone application is a must have for citizen journalists, bloggers or anyone who wants to share their thoughts with the world.

For more information about ShoZu go to their WEBSITE or check out the Apps store on your iphone.

November 30, 2008 Posted by | I-toys, Product Review | Leave a comment

Reason # 45,956 – Why I despise the i-phone

A few days ago the ever fashionable Fausta broke the story of Gap encouraging its college age clientele to ‘Vote Twice!” with the above button. Hmmm…does that mean the early/absentee voters for Obie are going to try to vote again on Nov 4th?

Two nights ago, while syncing the i-frakking phone, the Apple servers decided to crash leaving me without a phone for a day.

When I was able to recover and reactivate the i-phone, I discovered all of my downloaded applications were gone.

Oh, just ducky.

While recovering my deleted applications, I spied a new free app pictured appropriately to the left. The app is called Obama 08. Reading the description, one can use it to connect to the heart of Obama and the pro abortion Catholic’s campaign.

Needless to say, I passed on this application, as no one can really afford the change Obama is proposing.

October 31, 2008 Posted by | 08 Election, I-toys | Leave a comment

iPhone Ramblings

As you may or may not know, I picked up the latest version of the iPhone a few days ago. Yes, it is a sweet gadget and will be even sweeter when I have it unlocked for video. Damn you, Steve Jobs!

I’m now in the process of manually importing all my contact information from my beloved Razr to the iPhone. An interesting task, as I am now faced with a plethora of forgotten numbers from my past; former best friends, ex-boyfriends, casual acquaintances, former coworkers, names I no longer recognize, the list just goes on.

It has been quite a walk down memory lane!

What does one do with these numbers? Do you delete them or continue to hold on to them? Okay, I’ll admit some were a joy to delete. I am struck by how easy it is to lose contact with people that mattered to you at various times in your life. In an age of instant communication, we still can be so out of touch with people we invite into our lives.

On the upside is the a new crop of phone numbers to input reveal how blogging has shaped my circle of friends. The current time in Paris, California, Norfolk, and Colorado are now important pieces of information to add to the iphone.
Okay, enough with the rambling, and on to sorting out which numbers stay with me and which ones I’ll leave behind.

July 21, 2008 Posted by | I-toys | Leave a comment

Love at First Ring

Here are the i-Phone specs – read and weep with joy.

I-phones retail at $499 and up, the opportunity to heckle the Mayor for poor performance – PRICELESS.

Mayor John F. Street was among the first to get a coveted iPhone on Friday, waiting in line, on and off, for almost 15 hours and forced to defend the effort when a passer-by asked about the city’s skyrocketing murder rate.

He left his spot around 11:30 a.m., soon after a 22-year-old man sporting a mohawk asked him, “How can you sit here with 200 murders in the city already?”

The mayor replied: “I’m doing my job.”

Street had planned to stay in line for most of the day, waiting for the cell phones to go on sale, though he said he would to step out to make some appearances. He returned to his spot briefly around 2 p.m., then again at about 4 p.m.

H/T: Barnyard BBS

June 29, 2007 Posted by | I-toys | Leave a comment