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Hope & Change You Can Believe In!

Hezbollah Defeated!

Gateway Pundit has been tracking the voting outcome of the Syrian election. In a country racked with violence, voters turned out in record numbers, to route Hezbollah with a vote instead of a bullet.

Is this a political sea change we are witnessing? Further news of this nature has European voters, with a lowest ever turnout (43.39%), issuing center-left politicians their pink slips. BBC reports “Centre-left parties are projected to have lost almost a quarter of their seats, while the centre-right is only slightly down.”

The biggest winner was the Netherlands PVV party who won 4 seats in the Dutch Parliament.

June 7, 2009 Posted by | election, Europe | Leave a comment

America as seen by Euros

I have many friends in Europe and elsewhere in the world. A recent poll would have you believe that the majority of them are blundering morons. However, there is always a kernel of truth even in the most skewed of polls. Consider the last quoted paragraph and the news that Britain has re-classed shari’a courts as tribunal hearings, making their rulings legally binding in Britain. Sea2Sea has chronicled the run up to this legal event in Britain.

More than 50 percent of Britons believe that polygamy is legal in the United States; in fact, it is illegal in all 50 states. Almost one-third of Britons believe that Americans who have not paid their hospital fees or insurance premiums are not entitled to emergency medical care; in fact, such treatment must be provided by law.

Seventy percent of Britons think the United States has done a worse job than the European Union in reducing carbon emissions since 2000; in fact, America’s rate of growth of carbon emissions has decreased by almost ten percent since 2000, while that of the EU has increased by 2.3 percent.

Eighty percent of Britons believe that “from 1973 to 1990, the United States sold Saddam Hussein more than a quarter of his weapons.” In fact, the United States sold just 0.46 percent of Saddam’s arsenal to him; Russia, France, and China supplied 57 percent, 13 percent, and 12 percent, respectively.

The majority of Britons believe that since the Second World War, the United States has more often sided with non-Muslims than with Muslims. In fact, in 11 out of 12 major conflicts between Muslims and non-Muslims, Muslims and secular forces, or Arabs and non-Arabs, the United States has sided with Muslims and/or Arabs.

There are good people in Europe, and a spectacularly talented blogger/author in Paris – of all places! A good place to start interacting with European’s not profiled by this recent poll is Non Pasaran. Prepare to be shocked and awed.

Erik Svane – Non Pasaran! – at CPAC 2008

Erik at home in Paris

September 16, 2008 Posted by | bloggers, Europe | Leave a comment

What Appeasement Wrought…


Via Brussels Journal and SnappedShot

Belgian police is protecting a 17th century pulpit in the Flemish town of Dendermonde. The pulpit in the Catholic church of Our Lady dates from 1685, two years after the battle of Vienna when the Christian armies of the Polish King John III Sobieski defeated the Turks MUSLIMS poised to overrun Europe. The sculpted wooden pulpit, made by Mattheus van Beveren, depicts a man subdued by angels and represents the triumph of Christianity over Islam. The man is generally thought to be Mohammed. He is holding a book which is generally assumed to be the Koran.


Via New York Times:

Five men were arrested in Bologna in northern Italy this week after their behavior inside a basilica aroused police officers’ suspicions that they were plotting a terrorist attack, Italian law enforcement officials said today. The men, who were arrested on Monday morning, included four Moroccans Muslims, according to the officials. The police at the San Petronio Basilica, which is one of Italy’s Gothic treasures, had been on alert because it contains a 15th-century fresco with a depiction of the prophet Muhammad among demons in hell that has drawn complaints from Muslims. Officials said they transcribed and translated what the four Moroccans were saying while the video camera was on. According to that transcript, one of them said, ”What Bin Laden does is what needs doing here.”


Via CNN and The Sniper

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (CNN) — Afghanistan’s Taleban has destroyed two giant Buddhas carved into a cliff centuries ago, pictures obtained by CNN show. United Nations officials confirmed the claims made by the Taleban, which announced last month it would destroy images deemed “offensive to Islam.”

What will we allow to be destroyed next?

May 20, 2008 Posted by | Europe, islamofascism | Leave a comment

France is Burning…..Again

VILLIERS-LE-BEL, France, Nov. 27 — Dodging rocks and projectiles, the police lined the streets of this tense suburb Tuesday where angry youths have vowed to seek revenge for the deaths of two teenagers who died in a weekend collision with a police car.

Police union officials warned that the violence was escalating into urban guerrilla warfare, with shotguns aimed at officers — a rare sight in the last major outbreak of suburban unrest, in 2005.

More than 80 have been injured so far — four of them as a result of gunfire — and the rage was still simmering Tuesday afternoon. Inside the city hall of Villiers-le-Bel, a group of visiting mayors appealed for calm while police officers dodged rocks outside.

“We are sitting targets,” said Sophie Bar, a local police officer who stood guard outside. “They were throwing rocks at us and it was impossible to see where they came from. They just came raining over the roof.”

The violence was set off by the deaths of two teenagers on a motorbike who were killed in a crash with a police car Sunday night. The scene, with angry (Muslim) youths targeting the police mostly with firebombs, rocks and other projectiles, was reminiscent of three weeks of rioting in 2005.

Two teenagers who ignored warnings to pull over and were driving erratically. They would be alive today, if they acted reasonable and sanely. But hey, any excuse for a riot, no?

But senior police officials warned that the violence was more intense this time. “Things have changed since 2005,” said Joachim Masanet, secretary general of the police wing of the UNSA trade union. “We have crossed a red line. When these kids aim their guns at police officers, they want to kill them. They are no longer afraid to shoot a policeman. We are only on the second day since the accident, and already they are shooting guns at the police.” Some young men stood by the charred timbers of the town’s police station, laughing and surveying the damage.

Not only police stations, but a grade school:

and a library:

Cem, 18, of Turkish origin, declined to give his name because he feared police reprisals. But he and his friend Karim, of Algerian descent, said they both had participated in rioting over the past two days.

Let me guess, both teenagers practice the religion of peace when not particpating in the destruction of their own neighborhood.

“That’s just the beginning,” Cem said. “This is a war. There is no mercy. We want two cops dead.” Karim added: “The police brought this on themselves. They will regret it.”

Is this an example of what Ron Paul calls ‘blowback’? It is interesting to note that both teens are far more interested in death over justice for these two dead juveniles. This story has the stench of the Paris muslim riots of 2005.

The quote above is eerily similar to a photo from a muslim riot in London a few years back:

Six of the officers hurt in the clashes Monday were in serious condition, according to Francis Debuire, a police union official. Four were wounded by gunfire, including one who lost an eye and another who suffered a shattered shoulder. The biggest risk, the police say, is that the violence will spread.

In 2005, unrest cascaded through more than 300 towns, leaving 10,000 cars burned and 4,700 people arrested. As night fell in Villiers-le-Bel, the anxiety was evident. Strangers warned people to hide their cellphones because youths were snatching them on the street. People hurried to their homes, while some gathered in knots on street corners. Police helicopters circling public housing developments spotted stockpiles of rocks stacked along the roofs.

Naim Masoud, 39, a teaching assistant in Villiers-le-Bel, said that, in her school, even 8-year-old children talked about racism and discrimination by the police. “It will take a lot more than riot police to cure this neighborhood,” she said. “These children feel like foreigners. It is inexcusable what they are doing, but the seeds are deep.”

Why do they feel marginalized? Why place their own ethnicity over being, well, French? This is the effect of self segregation, otherwise known as multiculturalism, producing individuals who believe they are inferior making them easy marks for radical islam and liberal race baiters.

Some of the fiercest clashes Monday took place near a bakery where one of the dead, a 16-year-old known only as Larami because his identity has not been made public, was an apprentice. Habib Friaa, the owner of the bakery, said Larami had been highly regarded. He was stunned, he added, to learn Monday about his death. “It’s quite something to say goodbye to somebody on Saturday and learn two days later that he died. We’re like a family here because we’re a small business,” Mr. Friaa said, noting that Larami “was not a delinquent. He was somebody who was learning our profession and he was serious.”

My thoughts and prayers go out to the wounded French police officers. To the pox on humanity that burn schools, libraries, and police stations – you are only destroying yourself – which would be an improvement to mankind.

November 27, 2007 Posted by | Europe, France, muslim | Leave a comment

Tiny Dancer

Let us play a little game of What If…

What if a reporter obtained a copy of a membership list of a particular political party?

What if this same reporter printed the names and occupations of the members of a particular political party in a newspaper column?

What if the author and members of the public called to have the named individuals removed from the jobs?

You would think this is a joke and want to to stop kidding around – right? This doesn’t happen in a democracy, where it is a basic right of citizens to choose a political party without disclosing it to the entire world.

You would be wrong.

Ian Cobain, a journalist employed by the The Guardian, a British newspaper, covertly joined the BNP and for several months worked his way through the party system, ending up with a copy of a membership list. He subsequently disclosed the names and occupations of BNP members in an ‘investigative expose’. Later articles called for the dismissal of a ballerina employed by the ENB who was identified in the expose as a BNP member.

Recall that The Guardian sponsored a letter writing campaign in the runup to the 2004 presidential election targeting the independent voters of Clark County, Ohio.

The Brussels Journal reports on this story:

Cobain is a former winner of the “Amnesty International Award for investigative journalism into human rights.”

Last year, Cobain joined the BNP and was a member for seven months without disclosing his identity. The journalist, who regards the BNP as a dangerous racist and fascist organization, quickly made it to the BNP’s Central London Organizer. If Cobain is right about the Party’s nature, there is little doubt that he succeeded in this remarkable feat by posing as a hardline racist and fascist. In his position as the BNP’s London Führer Cobain managed to get hold of the Party’s membership list. On 21 December he published a piece in The Guardian in which he disclosed the names of several BNP members, while criticizing the Party for its “clandestine” and “secretive” methods and reproaching the very people from whom he had concealed his true identity by using a pseudonym, for their “use [of] pseudonyms to conceal their true identities.”

Though it belongs to the basic rights of citizens in a democracy to join any legal political party without telling the whole world, the winner of the “Amnesty International Award for investigative journalism into human rights” deliberately and knowingly violated the privacy of various people by disclosing their membership of the BNP, which is a legal political party. One of Cobain’s victims was Simone Clarke, the principal dancer of the ENB. Clarke can hardly be called a racist. The 36-year old ballerina lives with a dancer of Chinese-Cuban extraction with whom she has a child of mixed race…..

……Next week, Katharina Blum – oops, Simone Clarke – will take the lead in the ENB’s production of Giselle at the London Coliseum. If she has not been sacked by then, I would not be surprised to see Guardian readers stage demonstrations to force the ENB to oust the ballerina who was targeted by callous Cobain, the Amnesty International human rights advocate.

Think this can’t happen in the United States? I’ve no doubt Ian Cobain, if given US citizenship, would register and vote Democrat.

January 14, 2007 Posted by | Europe | Leave a comment

Life’s a Bitch….if you are European.

Found this jewel of European liberal fantasy posted over at FT.Com:

Gideon Rachman observes:

Then we all trooped into Brussels’s grandest theatre for a showing of the film. Gore was introduced yet again, this time by the EU’s environment commissioner, Stavros Dimas. Mr Dimas ended his peroration by lamenting the fact that Europeans aren’t allowed to vote in American elections. Ain’t life a bitch, as they say on the other side of the Atlantic. Maybe the EU should take the issue up in trade talks with the United States. Perhaps there could be some sort of reciprocal arrangement. Greeks like Mr Dimas get to vote in the American presidential election – and in return Texans get to vote in the French presidential election.”

October 12, 2006 Posted by | Europe | Leave a comment


It won’t be long before the Belgium RF starts donning burkas. How soon will the rest of Europe follow in this fashion?

Since last Sunday’s local elections in Belgium more than one fifth (21.8%) of the municipal councillors in Brussels, the capital of Europe, are immigrants of non-European origin. Most of them are Muslims, and most of them have been elected as Socialists. The non-European immigrants vote overwhelmingly Socialist, owing to the fact that many of them are rentseekers who migrated to Western Europe attracted by the subsidies of its generous welfare states. The immigrants have become the electoral life insurance of European Socialism.

The Brussels borough of Sint-Joost-ten-Node (where the party headquarters of the Vlaams Belang party is located) has 19 councillors of non-European origin on a total of 27. Eleven of the 16 Socialist councillors in Sint-Joost are non-European immigrants, as are 4 of the 5 Christian-Democrats, 2 of the 3 Greens and 2 of the 3 Liberals. The most popular of them is Emir Kir, the Socialist secretary of state for public monuments in the Brussels regional government. Mr Kir, who is Turkish, wants to
demolish the Brussels monument for the genocide of the Armenians. According to him the genocide is a hoax.

The rest of the article can be found at Brussels Journal

October 10, 2006 Posted by | Europe | Leave a comment