MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

Don’t Panic Monday

3 Most Important Conference Items

Monday, July 9th is the day nearly a half million people will lose internet access due to a malicious malware called DNS Changer.

Don’t panic. You most likely aren’t infected with DNS changer…I hope.

No need to build a survival shelter, just go HERE to see if your computer is free of this malware. If you see GREEN you are malware free.

Oh boy, this report might drive some stick their heads in the sand  – UNEMPLOYMENT RATE DROPPED IN EVERY STATE THAT ELECTED A REPUBLICAN GOV. IN 2010

July 8, 2012 Posted by | bloggers | , , | 2 Comments

Amazing! Project Glass: Live Demo At Google I/O

A bleeding edge version of the glasses (Google Glass Explorer) were offered to developers in the audience for US $1500. Yep, I’m officially jealous. How does one score an invite to one of these Google Demos?

The demo included Google Glass sporting skydivers, mountain bikers and people rappelling down the side of a building. All their activities were seen in a Google + hangout through the eyes of the wearers.

How freaking cool is that? Pardon the pun, but I can see so many uses for the finished product.

What to know more? Go HERE.

June 27, 2012 Posted by | Product Review, Skye's Toys, Social Media | , , | Leave a comment

Will Microsoft Surface Complete Me?

Previously seen on PJ Media Lifestyle

Microsoft Surface – circa 2008 – minus the creepy looking guy:

Source: flickr.com via Tania on Pinterest


Last monday night Microsoft unveiled an updated version of Surface – Windows 8 and Windows RT tablets. On the surface (pardon the pun) it looks promising. I’ve hesitated to jump on the iPad bandwagon because I want a tablet that can replace my laptop – in my view the iPad is simply a larger version of the iPod Touch. I’ve held close to the vision of a mobile tablet that is powerful enough to allow me to create content, while catching a movie on Netflix,  or downloading interesting apps.

Below is Microsoft’s Surface keynote address by Steve Ballmer. The video runs about 45 minutes but well worth the time to get an idea of the capabilities of this new tablet.

Interesting to note that pricing and a date when the product goes on sale were not mentioned. While this keynote is a sexy advertisement for the Surface tablet, I will be keeping a close eye on new details of this tablet as they emerge.

Will the new Microsoft tablet complete my vision?  Time will tell and if it does, you will be reading my hands-on review here.

June 25, 2012 Posted by | bloggers, Skye's Toys, Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment