MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

Instagram VS EyeEm


A few weeks ago a friend shared a link to what seemed to me at the time another photo app  – EyeEm – trying to out shine Instagram. I took a few photos using the app during a recent long weekend in Annapolis, MD then promptly shuffled the app to the back burner.

Recently, Instagram updated their Terms of Service to include wording that appeared to signal their intention of using member photos  in advertisements without notifying or sharing revenue with the creator of the photo. There was no opt-out of this change outside of deleting your account before the new year.  Needless to say, it brought an outpouring of criticism from stunned users.  Cofounder of Instagram, Kevin Systrom responded to the outcry by stating Instagram has no intention to sell you photos.  Which by and large is true, but they have reserved the right to do so.

I get that Instagram has to develop a business plan and profit module. If Instagram content curators happen upon a photo of mine they would like to use for advertising purposes, I’m happy to sell them the  photo for this purpose. To be clear – I want their business to continue to be successful but not by trampling on the content makers that make Instagram such a success in the first place.  How difficult would it be to set up a photographer fee schedule for those users who would be interested in selling photos for Instagram advertising?

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December 27, 2012 Posted by | Photography, Product Review, Skye's Toys, Social Media | , , , | 2 Comments

Photography Bits and Pieces


Instagram has recently released its largest update since last year. The new update includes:

  • A preview of the most recent photo on your camera roll.
  • Improved Camera Roll image selector (iPhone 5 only) for quick access to your last photograph.
  • Optional grid guide for live photos and a permanent grid guide for the scale & crop screen.
  • Speed and reliability improvements.
  • New Filter: Willow.

The above photo of Buster was created with the new Willow filter.  I like the new update as it refreshes the look of the app and adds more functionality.

Twitter is getting on the Instagram-like bandwagon with their latest mobile app update. The update add Aviary-powered photo filters. In addition, you can crop and apply an auto-enhance before tweeting out your photo masterpiece.

The cute video below explains how to use the new twitter photo tools:

One last item – composition matters!


Take time to look at the whole scene before snapping a photo and sharing it with the entire world.  The focal point of this photo is supposed to be the MaCallan 12year but I’m guessing that is not what you noticed first.

December 11, 2012 Posted by | Philadelphia, Social Media | , , | Leave a comment

Instagram Milestone – 100 Followers!

Yay me!
100 Instagram Followers

Now I want more.

Follow me on Instagram via Followgram or click on the link on the sidebar to your right.

April 26, 2012 Posted by | Skye's Toys, Social Media | , | Leave a comment