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The CPAC Experience Tonight on Stage Right Blog Talk Radio

Stage Right Show @ Marriott Bar

Tune in 12:30 am EST (9:30 pm for you left coasters) to the Stage Right Show on Blog Talk Radio. I’ve been invited to chat with the host Breitbart.com blogger “Stage Right”.  I suspect we will chat about CPAC and all manner of topics.  Yes, I mean all manner of topics.

Tune in tonight – 12:30 am or 9:30 pm.

February 1, 2011 Posted by | bloggers, Conference, International, National | , | Leave a comment

Bank of Kev Blogger Round Up

Sending some linky love to my fellow CPAC Bank of Kev bloggers who are daily must reads IMHO:

Little Miss Atilla takes a look at the way men blog as compared to the way women blog. A blog version of Men are from Mars, Women from Venus?

Bank of Kev notes the passing of William Culp, best known for his portrayal of Agent Maxwell in the television series Greatest American Hero.

Stix Blog wants to show everyone how to speak ‘democrat’.

Gay Patriot has dinner at a bastion of freedom in California otherwise know as The Reagan Library

Dodgeblogium would like you to spare a thought for the forgotten. While you are at it, check out his latest book – And Glory.

Larry O’Connor of Big Government looks at Obama – the Fame Junkie

March 27, 2010 Posted by | bloggers | | Leave a comment

CPAC 2010 Wrap Up

A week later and I finally find time to post my thoughts on the recent gathering of conservatives and the GOP in Washington DC – CPAC 2010.  Besides, I like having the last word on this conference.

Before I jump into my review of CPAC 2010, there are a few people that I need to profusely thank for taking this conference to a higher level.

I have to send much love to Kevin Mckeever, Bank of Kev, who generously sponsored myself and several other talented up and coming bloggers at this year’s convention. I will always be grateful for the opportunity to speak on a panel at CPAC. Love, love, love you, Kevin!

Erick Erickson, thank you for organizing a fabulous Red State blogger lounge, and for credentialing my good blog. This was the first time I had official CPAC blogger status and I loved every minute of it! So, same time next year?

Many kudos to Lisa De Pasquale and the American Conservative Union for organizing this event – over 10,000 registrants for this conference, amazing!  The move to the Marriott was a definite plus with far more room and a more logical layout of conference space. The Omni Shoreham is a labyrinth compared to the Marriott.

My thanks to all of you!!

Continue reading

March 1, 2010 Posted by | bloggers | | Leave a comment

Bloggers Unplugged @ CPAC

It’s not all work and no play for the credentialed bloggers at CPAC.  It is important to find time to unwind from saving the world from incompetent main stream media types.

Every once and a while CPAC bloggers feel the need to break out their inner Karoke star to ‘Eye of The Tiger’.  This is the reason I’m never without a video recording device. Yes, it is one of those blogger things.

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February 26, 2010 Posted by | bloggers | | Leave a comment

Quick Interview with Patrick Murray VA-8 Hopeful

I managed to grab a quick interview at Red State Blogger Lounge with congressional hopeful, Patrick Murray. He is running in Virginia’s 8th Congressional District and is one of the candidates supported by Iraq Veterans for Congress Political Action Committee.

Patrick is a retired Army Colonel with 24 years of active duty service. His platform focuses on education, sensible healthcare reform, sound economic and security issues. I love that he actually posted an ethics code on his campaign website. Not something that most politicians adhere to during a campaign, and it is a refreshing change from politics as usual. If you live in VA-8, take a good look at Patrick Murray, candidate for Congress.

February 25, 2010 Posted by | bloggers | | Leave a comment

Jacob Turk for Congress

Jacob Turk explains his reasons for running for Congress in Missouri’s 5th Congressional District while attending CPAC:

Obviously, I’ve got some ‘splaining to do in regards to this video. I do not write for RedState, I was supposed to be wingman on this interview, but Aaron Gardner had problems holding the camcorder steady due to a snowboarding injury. I volunteered to do the interview for Red State on his behalf.

Okay, all clear now?

February 25, 2010 Posted by | bloggers | | Leave a comment

Master Mezmerizer Has Lost His Mojo….

….A direct quote from Iowa Congressman Steve King’s remarks at CPAC.

I had the opportunity to chat with the Congressman after his speech and ask him to further explain this statement:

And after all of these months of debate and negotiations, it comes down to this: if you start out with that tainted stew, there is no part of it that Americans want. We don’t want a pot full, we don’t want a bowl full, we don’t want a spoon full, a cup full, or any kind measure of toxic stew called socialized medicine. We want it dead. Throw it out and start over.

I was impressed with his support for stand alone legislation regarding healthcare – no cornhusker kickback need apply. He also advocated a more careful and measured approach to reforming healthcare by ‘fixing the things that are wrong, let the free market do the rest and find out what the next flaw is.”

The interview lasts about 15 minutes, again I would suggest you turn up the volume when viewing the video. It was a rather busy lobby to shoot video.

PS: Just ignore the bad hair day, okay 🙂

February 25, 2010 Posted by | bloggers | | Leave a comment

The World Must Know – The Stoning of Soraya M.

While Tommy Christopher was posing as a journalist asking silly questions, I had the opportunity to interview the director of “The Stoning of Soraya M.” , Cyrus Nowrasteh:

This is story that must be told, as it is a story of hope that must not be extinguished. It is the account of an ‘inconvenient wife’ accused of adultery in a rural town in Iran. The punishment for such a crime under islamic law is death by stoning. The movie was filmed near Petra, Jordan and many in the cast are of Iranian descent.

An Iranian journalist living in Paris, Freidoune Sahebjam, stumbled upon the story while on assignment in Iran, when his car broke down in this town and the aunt of Soraya shared her story with him.

In 1986, Soraya M. was stoned to death upon the accusation of adultery. This happened in the 20th century, not the dark ages. This movie takes an unflinching look at heinous human behavior driven by islamic law.

Learn more HERE

February 24, 2010 Posted by | bloggers | | Leave a comment

Breitbart VS Daryle Lamont Jenkins UPDATE

Aaron Gardner, shared this video of his confrontation with Daryle after his humiliating debate with Breitbart at CPAC.

Daryle LaMont Jenkins, of one people project, decided to call Andrew Breitbart a racist. Afterwards I confronted Daryle on the tactics he is using.

What a race pimp. Should Breitbart be worried about being added to Daryle’s ‘Rogues Gallery‘ at One People Project?

Xposted at Flopping Aces

February 23, 2010 Posted by | bloggers | | Leave a comment

Allen West @ Iraq Veterans For Congress

U.S. Army Veteran, Allen West, took time from his busy schedule at CPAC to support the candidates of Iraq Veterans For Congress (IVC).

What is IVC?

Iraq Veterans for Congress PAC, or IVC, is a federally registered political action committee supporting the congressional campaigns of conservative Republican Iraq Veterans.

We look for conservative Republican veterans who are determined to become a voice for our troops, military families, and hardworking patriotic Americans who believe that our country, our Constitution and our way of life are worth fighting for.

Xposted at Flopping Aces

February 23, 2010 Posted by | bloggers | | Leave a comment