MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

UPDATED! Gaining Bliss and Much, Much More at Blissdom 2012

Gonna Get My Bliss On at Blissdom!

UPDATE:  Thanks to all the commentators for you kind words of welcome!  I will make a point to meet each one of your personally at BlissDom 12.

This coming February 23 to the 25th I will be indulging in some well earned Bliss – I’m attending the 2012 BlissDom Conference in Nashville, TN.

What is BlissDom Conference? It is a highly regarded conference for women who find bliss in blogging. The conference attracts talented, highly skilled experts in Social Media, Blogging, Publishing, and Public Relations to share their knowledge with Blissdom attendees.

Allison Worthington, Paula Bruno, and Barbara Jones of Blissdom Events are the dynamic trio that make Blissdom the premier women’s conference in the United States and Canada.

There a several reasons I’m attending this conference, the most important reason is the subject matter presented at this conference. The four tracks presented: Life Development, Photography, Writing, and Business are presented in a way that engages the audience to put into practice the subject of discussion then evaluate their results.

Pure Awesomeness.

Gone are top down lectures followed by a brief Q&A.  This format is a highly effective way to share knowledge and it is what sold me on attending BlissDom.

Although I may be a ‘newbie’ to BlissDom, I’m quite experienced in attending conferences for professional and personal reasons. I’m looking forward to this conference, as I feel I’m stepping out of my comfort zone and entering into the unknown. Typically at conferences I’m surrounded by familiar faces and subject matter. With BlissDom, however, the only person I’ll recognize is Alli Worthington. Most bloggers, if not all, attending this conference are not regular readers of my blog. I see this conference is an opportunity to introduce myself and find common ground within a blogging community that rarely crosses my blogging path.

So, if you are planning to attend BlissDom 12, please leave a comment and feel free to say hello at the conference. You can spot me as I will be sporting a Sting – Dream of the Blue Turtles purse:

Dream of the Blue Turtles Purse

PS: I’m flying into Nashville on February 22nd and I’m looking for photo walk tips around Nashville and good running trails near the Opryland Hotel.


January 16, 2012 Posted by | bloggers, Conference, Entertainment | , , | 45 Comments