MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

I’m Going to BlissDom’13

I am delighted to announce that I will be attending the BlissDom 2013 Conference being held this year in Dallas, Texas. What is BlissDom about, you might ask, here is a brief introduction:

BlissDom is the premier conference for women who find and express their bliss by publishing online. BlissDom ’13, our ninth conference (including three BlissDom Canada events held in Toronto), is a welcoming oasis in the ever-changing blogging world. Speakers and panels featuring the best bloggingpublic relationsand social media pros will be gathering to mentor new and old friends alike.

I created a RebelMouse page to collate all my BlissDom conference posts from 2012 and new information regarding the 2013 conference. BlissDom photos, blog posts and videos can now be found all in one place.  Enjoy and keep checking this post for updates as the conference draws near.

[rebelmouse site_name=”TaniaBlissDomConference2013″]

January 5, 2013 Posted by | bloggers, Conference, Photography, Social Media | , , , , | 7 Comments

Bloggers Who Matter


More Fun Items at the Picha Photo Suite

One of the lasting benefits of attending a Blissdom conference is the people you meet. I’ve was very fortunate to meet Beth, a remarkable woman and blogger at the Blissdom newbie ice breaker.  Experience has taught me the importance of surrounding yourself with people of character, talent and a good heart.  Beth has these qualities in spades and I’m so glad

I am delighted to share Beth’s blog with my readers – you can find her online at Masterpiece – created to love people and bring glory to God.   Stop over and say Hello, you will find her blog is truly a Masterpiece.

Welcome back to blogging, Beth. I look forward to following your journey.

September 24, 2012 Posted by | bloggers | | 3 Comments

iPhone Photography: The Visual Guide

I am delighted to share with you the release of Alli Worthington’s visual guide to iPhone photography applications.

iPhone Photography: The Visual Guide


Source: store.alliworthington.com via Tania on Pinterest


I spent the better part of Saturday afternoon reading this e-book. It is an easy, breezy read filled with great photos and how-to tips. This e-book covers a broad range of iPhoneography topics and gives the reader lots of food for thought. Although I have a bewildering collection of iPhone photo apps, I discovered one or two that I was not familiar with after reading this e-book. I love that I’m always building upon my knowledge base with photography and that there is always something new to discover with photography.

The e-book costs US $5 and for that price you get a guide that provides great foundational knowledge for new iPhone photographers and a plethora of new tips and apps for more experienced iPhoneographers.

This is inexpensive and useful tool to broaden your iPhoneography knowledge base. Android user? This guide would be useful for photographers using Android devices as well. The basics of photography covered in this e-book cross every platform. Also, some of the applications highlighted in this e-book have Android versions. IMHO, sometime in the near future most if not all apps will have both Apple and Android versions, similar to PC/Apple software versions.

For disclosure, Alli Worthington included a few of my iPhone photos in this e-book. Also, there is a link to this blog in acknowledgement section of this e-book. My opinion about this e-book is completely my own and not influenced by the above disclosure.

A running friend and newbie photographer, Trish, commented that I have so many photo apps for an iPhone user. Not sure about that, but I’ve decided to share with my readers the contents of my photography folders. Below the cut are screen caps of my iPhone photo app folders (4), I’ve used all the apps and can answer questions you may have about any of them.

Even with all the experience I have with using iPhone photography apps, I still found something new in iPhone Photography: The Visual Guide. This guide is an excellent reference tool and I highly recommend it for every Apple or Android photographers – newbie or experienced.


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July 8, 2012 Posted by | bloggers, Photography, Product Review | , , | 2 Comments

Blissful Links

More Fun Items at the Picha Photo Suite
Blissdom Nashville 2012

I met so many amazing women at Blissdom 2012 Nashville. I’ve been wanting to create posts highlighting some of Blissdom’s superstars!

First on my list is Beth Zimmerman. I met her at the Blissdom Newbie Meetup and kept bumping into her throughout the rest of the conference. One thing that stood out was her creative use of QR codes advertising her blog, Twitter, Facebook.

You can find Beth at:  Beth – A Work In Progress

What makes her blog stand out? Beth took a leap of faith and created a blog post based on a #photoaday meme. The meme gives a photo prompt for each day during the month of May. She admits to searching for a way to get back to photography, and decided to tackle this challenge.. Head on over, say hello, check out the fantastic photos Beth selected for her post and learn a bit more about this wonderful blogger and human being.

May 17, 2012 Posted by | bloggers | | Leave a comment

The Voice: Semifinal Round – Vote For Chris Mann Tonight

Source: skimbacolifestyle.com via Skimbaco on Pinterest

Oh. My. God. The Mann is good!


Voting opens AFTER tonight’s show from 10PM EST through 10AM EST.
Five ways to vote: Phone, FaceBook, NBC.com, iTunes, Text.

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April 30, 2012 Posted by | Entertainment | | Leave a comment

Belle Meade Plantation

Belle Meade Plantation

What I learned during my stay in Nashville.

Belle Meade plantation was founded in 1807 by a Virginian with a keen interest in horses, John Harding. While visiting Nashville, I was interested in touring an antebellum mansion and Belle Meade is a fantastic example of this type of mansion. The original house was a brick Federal style home. The greek revival style pictured above is the work of William Hicks Jackson, who married Selene Harding, the grand-daughter of John Harding.

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April 24, 2012 Posted by | National | , , | Leave a comment

Blissdom 2012 Photowalk

Awesome Group of Photographers

What happens when a group of shutterbugs  participates in a photowalk lead by Lotus Carol?  Photo madness with tons of pretty photos taken by very talented photographers.

I have to admit, I wanted to make an impression with this group and totally brought my A game to this photowalk. Usually, photography is the least competitive area of my world yet this day I found myself with a curiously competitive edge. Usually, I’m relaxed and happy to share my knowledge with anyone who asks. This day, I was having none of that. Funny thing though, I liked having that fire motivating me during the photowalk. It certainly must have been something, as my Canon 40D did not act up at all during the walk. I can’t say the same for the rest of the trip, but for a pleasant two hours the camera performed perfectly.

This was a photowalk, so let’s have a look at some photos. Below the cut are a few favorite photos I took during the walk.

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April 23, 2012 Posted by | Photography | , , | Leave a comment

Nashville Scenes

Nashville – a city I want to revisit just to take more pictures. Well, I could skip the whole fake Parthenon thing, but the rest of the city is golden! I wish I’d seen more that what passed by my window on a bus tour of the city.

However, I did get some interesting shots and met some famous people in my all too brief visit to Nashville. Below the cut are some of my favorite photos from the trip. Enjoy the pretty!

Tourist action #1 – Must say howdee to Minnie and Roy:

Roy and Minnie

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April 22, 2012 Posted by | Inspirational, National, Photography | , | 2 Comments

Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage

When in Nashville, you must stop and visit the home of our 7th President, Andrew Jackson.

Andrew and Rachel’s home – The Hermitage –  one of the nation’s oldest historic site museums. The Hermitage has been preserved for the people of Tennessee by the Ladies’ Hermitage Association since 1889.

Tour guides through the mansion dress in period clothing. As with Belle Meade, photography was prohibited inside the mansion.

Tour Guide in Period Costume

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April 21, 2012 Posted by | National | , , , | 1 Comment

Blissdom 2012 Handmade Market Place

Blissdom conference showcased the vibrant handmade industry within the blogosphere community by hosting a Handmade Marketplace prior to the start of the conference. It was delightful to peruse the home made items and meet the designer/artist/blogger behind the creation. Needless to say, I made a few purchases.

I’ve put together photos and links to the artist websites of items I acquired at Blissdom.  Here is a link to the full list of blogging entrepreneurs that were showcased at Blissdom.

SGD Artistry
Handmade Market

Lisa Leonard Designs
Bliss by Lisa Leonard Designs

The Pleated Poppy
The Pleated Poppy e-Reader Case Fits TWO Kindles

Allorah Handmade

Alora Home Made

A complete list of participating shops can be found by clicking HERE

April 19, 2012 Posted by | bloggers, Conference, National | | Leave a comment