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Benazir Bhutto Assassinated in Pakistan

Islam- the religion of pieces strikes again..
My opinion of her return to Pakistan has always been mixed. Mark Steyn and I seem to be in agreement about the late Benazir Bhutto:

Mark Steyn 12/27/2007

Benazir Bhutto’s return to Pakistan had a mad recklessness about it which give today’s events a horrible inevitability. As I always say when I’m asked about her, she was my next-door neighbor for a while – which affects a kind of intimacy, though in fact I knew her only for sidewalk pleasantries. She was beautiful and charming and sophisticated and smart and modern, and everything we in the west would like a Muslim leader to be – though in practice, as Pakistan’s Prime Minister, she was just another grubby wardheeler from one of the world’s most corrupt political classes.

Sadly, we can add Bhutto’s name to an every growing list of victims of fundamental Islam:

December 27, 2007 Posted by | Pakistan, terrorism, War On Terror | Leave a comment

Reality Check: We are at War

Mike’s America reports on the state of appeasement and its costs…

Britain on Alert!

It’s a sad day for our friends in Britain and sadder still that the spirit of appeasement is still alive for some who prefer to blame anyone but the terrorists. The following comment from a story in the Evening Standard newspaper is proof that appeasement is not just a phenomenon of supporters of U.S. presidential candidate Ron Paul

Comment at This is London:

This government is still involved in the biggest foreign policy disgrace ever and shows no sign of either admitting the error or apologising for the suffering they’ve caused. Iraq was based on lies and the conceipt of a few men (Bush, Cheney, Blair) all of whom are deeply religious nutcases who believe that all’s well because God says so. ‘We’ need to understand that we’ve caused this blowback, which is based on a justified reaction to our actions, and as long as we deny this we’ll be bombed in the streets of London, as thousands are in Iraq. Bush and Blair said this was ‘war’, what the hell did we expect?

– Bobby Smith, Surrey, London

Apparently Bobby Smith and the Islamist apologists and appeasers prefer to remain willfully ignorant of the number of terrorist attacks that Al Queda and related groups launched against innocent civilians long before the U.S. and our allies, including Britain, invaded Iraq.

Shortly after the 7/7 bombings in London in 2005 another key U.S. ally, Australian Prime Minster John Howard, paid a visit to British Prime Minster Tony Blair. In his remarks afterward, he ticked off a list of attacks against innocent civilians, citing especially the 88 Australians murdered in Bali, which occurred before we invaded Iraq.

Ron Paul and his cult of followers beg that we should “listen to the people who attacked us and the reason they did it.” We have done so continually. Bin Laden’s “Letter to the American People” in 2002 (again, BEFORE we invaded Iraq) made it clear that Al Queda felt justified in committing acts of terror against innocent civilians in ANY land where the population resisted domination by Muslims under the extreme version of Sharia Law.

  • No sane individual would suggest that the peaceful Buddhists of Thailand have anything to do with the U.S. invasion of Iraq, or U.S. support of Israel.
  • Beheadings of Christian school girls in Indonesia (warning: graphic images) had nothing to do with Iraq. Nothing to do with the United States or Israel.
  • Nor did the massacre of school children at Beslan in Russia (warning: graphic images).
  • Appeasers and apologists should speak to this Russian man and explain why the infant in his arms was murdered because of U.S. or British foreign policy.

No evil self deception, delusion or willful ignorance will save countless innocent lives from the nightmare and horror that the Islamists would unleash. And those who continue to prefer their demented prejudices should be called to account for enabling this nightmare to continue rather than join in a stronger, more unified effort to defeat this evil.

June 30, 2007 Posted by | terrorism | Leave a comment

It sucks to be a hamas terrorist these days….

November 20, 2006 Posted by | terrorism | Leave a comment