MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

Snark Factor Tonight

Listen live to the Snark Factor every Wednesday night at 8pm EST on FTR Radio where I will be joining Fingers Malloy, Irish Duke to bring news bites at the top of the hour followed by sparkling chats with invited guests. If you are a fan of my blog, you’ll know that I have an eclectic taste in news of the day.

On tap tonight:

January 16, 2013 Posted by | bloggers, Entertainment | | Leave a comment

You Asked For More Cowbell

FTR Radio listeners asked for more Cowbell during The Snark Factor radio show tonight.

Here it is – more Cowbell:

More Cowbell from Fair Oaks Videos on Vimeo.

P.S. Don’t forget to take my blog reader survey 🙂

January 9, 2013 Posted by | bloggers, Entertainment | , | 4 Comments

Snark Factor Tonight!

Listen live to the Snark Factor every Wednesday night at 8pm EST on FTR Radio where I will be joining Fingers Malloy, Irish Duke to bring news bites at the top of the hour followed by sparkling chats with invited guests. If you are a fan of my blog, you’ll know that I have an eclectic taste in news of the day.

On tap tonight:

Happy New Year! Wallet feeling a bit lighter?

Are you effing kidding? Now vegetable gardens are being taken away from law abiding citizens? What’s next, a Gawker piece calling gardeners ‘Ass****’s and listing their home address?

January 9, 2013 Posted by | bloggers, Entertainment | | Leave a comment

I’m Going to BlissDom’13

I am delighted to announce that I will be attending the BlissDom 2013 Conference being held this year in Dallas, Texas. What is BlissDom about, you might ask, here is a brief introduction:

BlissDom is the premier conference for women who find and express their bliss by publishing online. BlissDom ’13, our ninth conference (including three BlissDom Canada events held in Toronto), is a welcoming oasis in the ever-changing blogging world. Speakers and panels featuring the best bloggingpublic relationsand social media pros will be gathering to mentor new and old friends alike.

I created a RebelMouse page to collate all my BlissDom conference posts from 2012 and new information regarding the 2013 conference. BlissDom photos, blog posts and videos can now be found all in one place.  Enjoy and keep checking this post for updates as the conference draws near.

[rebelmouse site_name=”TaniaBlissDomConference2013″]

January 5, 2013 Posted by | bloggers, Conference, Photography, Social Media | , , , , | 7 Comments

Blog Reader Survey

Hello dear readers!

I would greatly appreciate your thoughts and ideas on how to make this blog better for you.

If you have a few minutes, I’d love for you to answer a few questions on my fancy-pants Google docs survey form.  I’ll keep this survey open for the month of January before tabulating the results. In February, I’ll share the results of this survey on the blog.

Thanks for your help with this survey!

Apparently iFrame does not like to work with WordPress. Sorry for that.

Click  HERE for a direct link to the survey if you cannot view the survey embedded in the post.




January 2, 2013 Posted by | bloggers, Social Media | , | 8 Comments

Where in the Web is Tania?

The interweb is a huge entity and growing by the nanosecond.  It is a place that I find endlessly fascinating and have joined a social media site or two. To make it easier to find me, I’d thought I’d curate a list of other social media/websites that I’ve joined and actively participate:

RebelMouse is a curation of my social media expressions and now is a Page within this blog. You can click on Skye820 and view my curated social media footprint in one place.

Digital Rev
Great photography site with a social media backbone. Another area to get more eyeballs on my photography, learn new techniques and meet new photographers.

About.me will replace the About page on this blog.

Urban Garden Goddess
A blog I’ve had for a few years where I document my struggles and successes in urban vegetable gardening.

Tumblr – A place to share more of my Instagram goodness. Honestly, what else do you do with a Tumblr site?

Come join me on Pinterest, soon we will all be assimilated 🙂

These sites are in addition to the usual suspects of Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

December 29, 2012 Posted by | bloggers, Skye's Toys, Social Media | , , | Leave a comment

This is NOT What Democracy Looks Like

This is what a thuggish regime looks like.

Whether you agree with Right To Work legislation or not, violence and the incitement of violence is the debate tactic of cowards.  I love a good spirited debate, our country has  rich tradition of publicly airing diverse opinions.  Bring your facts, I’ll have mine and when the dust settles we will live to debate another day.  As a blogger, I am fiercely protective of the right to express opinions, not only for myself but for any blogger regardless of their political stripe. The actions today in outside Michigan’s state capitol building by disgruntled union members does more than damage a tent, it threatens our wonderful heritage of free expression of diverse opinions. I don’t care where you stand on this issue but I do care that everyone can freely express their thoughts without the specter of violence.

It drives me to distraction that politicians or progressive grass root organizers so easily slip into violent rhetoric to push their agenda. Words have power and it is so easy to use this power to push a divisive agenda.  I’m fully aware of the impact of my words on this blog and within my social media ecosystem.  My intent is to provide useful content and build a network of open minded, intelligent dreamers.  I thoroughly enjoy helping people find their inner voice and share their wit, wisdom and talent on the web. Ultimately,  I want my online presence to encourage people to speak their truth without fear of violence.

The politicians and activists today who pushed violence today need to be held accountable for their actions. Below the cut are videos from today’s mele on Michigan.

Continue reading

December 11, 2012 Posted by | bloggers, National | Leave a comment

The Snark Factor Tonight

Listen live to the Snark Factor every Wednesday night at 8pm EST on FTR Radio where I will be joining Fingers Malloy, Irish Duke to bring news bites at the top of the hour followed by sparkling chats with invited guests. If you are a fan of my blog, you’ll know that I have an eclectic taste in news of the day.

On tap tonight:

Annapolis Half Marathon recap.

Dick Army leaves Freedomworks.

December 5, 2012 Posted by | bloggers, Entertainment | | Leave a comment

Tuesday Toss Up

What a crazy two weeks! I completed a marathon, cooked a  delicious Thanksgiving dinner for 18 and continued to train for a half marathon in Annapolis, MD.  And somewhere in there I squeezed in my day job.  With all these activities blogging sort of fell to the wayside.

Now that my crazy schedule has leveled off for the rest of 2012, I can focus more on blogging and photography. Had a fun extended weekend in Annapolis and availed myself the opportunity to take a photo or two.  I’m in the process of writing my 2012 TCS Annapolis Half Marathon recap which I hope to publish by the end of this week. Of course, you can view my photos from Annapolis and the half marathon on Flickr.

Here is a sneak peak of the photos:

De Plane! De Plane!

What an awesome plane. I’ve never seen a live aerial performance by the Blue Angels but the planes looks fantastic on the ground.  So stay tuned, readers, I’ve lots of blog posts to catch up on before the end of the year!

Ohhh! I am so delighted to report my good blogging buddy and social media rockstar, Jimmie Bise, has found a new avenue to talk all things pop culture at Pop Cast.  Via the About page:

Pop-Cast is the one and only podcast dedicated to all things pop culture – movies, music, games, television, food, sports, style, fashion, and anything else that’s watercooler-worthy! With a variety of fun, young voices populating the microphones, our lively weekly discussions about the nation’s hottest buzz will have you coming back for more each week. Pop-Cast – If you’re talking about it, we’re talking about it.

 I will be tuning in, so should you!

December 4, 2012 Posted by | bloggers, Inspirational, Photography | , , | 2 Comments

Snark Factor Tonight – The 300!

Listen live to the Snark Factor every Wednesday night at 1opm EST on FTR Radio where I will be joining Fingers Malloy, Irish Duke to bring news bites at the top of the hour followed by sparkling chats with invited guests. If you are a fan of my blog, you’ll know that I have an eclectic taste in news of the day.

On tap tonight:

We are 300! Seriously, tonight is the 300th episode of the Snark Factor. Wow!

How should one feel if one’s gardening blog is considered racist by the all knowing Anderson Cooper.

November 14, 2012 Posted by | bloggers, Entertainment | | Leave a comment