MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

Snark Factor Tonight

Listen live to the Snark Factor every Wednesday night at 8pm EST on FTR Radio where I will be joining Fingers Malloy, Irish Duke to bring news bites at the top of the hour followed by sparkling chats with invited guests. If you are a fan of my blog, you’ll know that I have an eclectic taste in news of the day.

On tap tonight:

Tax Payer funded terrorism – this is getting uglier every day.

Mile high flirting – you know you always wanted to do it.

April 24, 2013 Posted by | bloggers, Entertainment | | 2 Comments

Blogging and Running Update

April is fast coming to a close and I want to share a few updates and a rather interesting photo walk.

I had the opportunity to document the 24th annual Civil War reenactment held at Neshaminy Park in Bensalem, Pa. I brought two lenses, a 40mm f/2.8 and the 70-200mm f/4. Let me tell you that there is a lot to love with both lenses. This year the battle of Mine Run 1863 was chosen for reenactment. Sorry, I’ve not as yet Googled the information on this battle. If you happen to know, feel free to leave a history lesson in the comment section. I chatted with two women representing the widows of the Civil War and spent time checking out the medical tent discussing triage strategies with a civil war battlefield physician. Also took a long look at a photo collage of soldiers who survived the war with amputations or disfiguring facial injuries and wondered how they managed with their disabilities post war. I’ve a love/hate opinion of reenactments. They are an amazing source of quality information about a time or event in history, yet I can’t help but think reenactments over romanticize brutal events in our history. Just my 0.2 cents on the matter.

Now it is time to look at pretty pictures:

Army of the Potomac

The full set of photos:

I run here, I run there…

This weekend I am heading to Washington DC to participate in the inaugural Nike Women’s Half Marathon on Sunday April 28th. The following Sunday, May 5th, I am running the 2013 Broad Street 10 miler – a race I am so looking forward to completing. A few weeks later, on June 15th I’m registered to run the 2013 Half Sauer Half Kraut Half Marathon in Pennypack Park.  I sometimes wonder how I manage to keep smiling with all the training miles needed to maintain a fitness level to complete these distance runs. In addition, I’ve been dealing with a sudden case of foot numbness which will require orthotic inserts to (hopefully) correct this annoying issue.

On the blogging front – I still need to post race recaps for 2013 Yeungling Anthem Half Marathon, Virginia Beach and Cherry Blossom 10 miler in Washington, DC. I have all the photos and information read to go, I just need to finish the darn posts.

So, it is a bit busy at chez Tania at the moment; but I will work on keeping you all in the loop 🙂

Happy running, y’all!

April 23, 2013 Posted by | bloggers, National, Pennsylvania, Photography | , , , , | 3 Comments

Snark Factor Tonight

Listen live to the Snark Factor every Wednesday night at 8pm EST on FTR Radio where I will be joining Fingers Malloy, Irish Duke to bring news bites at the top of the hour followed by sparkling chats with invited guests. If you are a fan of my blog, you’ll know that I have an eclectic taste in news of the day.

On tap tonight:

Boston Marathon updates.

Federal agents are distributing photos of two different men – persons of interest not identified by name – who are seen carrying black bags.

Recently in Vermont, a short form bill has been proposed to make street photography illegal.

This bill proposes to make it illegal to take a photograph of a person without his or her consent, or to modify a photograph of a person without his or her consent, and to distribute it.
Read more at http://petapixel.com/2013/04/12/vermont-introduces-bill-that-would-make-it-illegal-to-photograph-a-person-without-consent/#TGMlGGIiwuGlsfA3.99

If legislation such as what Vermont is mulling was enacted in Massachusetts, the FBI would not be able to distribute photos of the two persons of interest in the Boston Marathon bombing. Nor would we have seen on-the-ground photos or videos from the bombing as it unfolded because it would be impossible for the photographer or videographer to get consent.

This reckless type of proposed legislation drives me crazy! Jared Polin at FroKnowsphoto.com shares his thoughts on this proposed bill.

April 17, 2013 Posted by | bloggers, Entertainment | | Leave a comment

Snark Factor Tonight!

Listen live to the Snark Factor every Wednesday night at 8pm EST on FTR Radio where I will be joining Fingers Malloy, Irish Duke to bring news bites at the top of the hour followed by sparkling chats with invited guests. If you are a fan of my blog, you’ll know that I have an eclectic taste in news of the day.

On tap tonight:

The Supremes, The Supremes!  The robed bunch take on gay marriage – no one knows the outcome until they come out with their ruling.

Buster is a very grumpy dog;  apparently the darn Groundhog Punxa-whats-his-name LIED about the coming of Spring.

Buster is not amused.

Grumpy Dog

March 27, 2013 Posted by | bloggers, Entertainment | | Leave a comment

Hello There!

Time flies when life happens.

Have been busy with work, travel and a half marathon in Virginia Beach. I didn’t really train for this Half and was ever so happy to complete the course with a sort of acceptable time of 2:14:00. Honestly, I had no idea how I would fare in this run since I made the decision to stop boot camp the month prior to this run. Brilliant move, girl.

As you can see in the short  FaceBook video below, I survived the run and was very, very happy to share the news:

I’ve gone back to bootcamp fitness training and have adding more miles of running per week in anticipation of  two big runs in April; The DC Cherry Blossom 10 miler and Nike Women’s Half Marathon. Also, the first Sunday in May is reserved for the awesome Philadelphia Broad Street Run where I am looking to PR.

The 2013 Philadelphia Flower Show this year showcased the best of Britain.  During my visit, I took a few hundred photos of the exhibits and found perhaps a dozen that actually look like I know how to work a camera.

Diner En Blanc Ideas

In a nutshell, I’ve been goofing off the past few weeks and have found myself behind in posting on the blog. No worries though as I  have some amazing content to share and plan to catch up on my posts this week.

One final note, an awesome reader of this blog is celebrating his birthday on March 30th and has made the following request:

For my birthday, Tania, I ask that you perform a random act of kindness to someone.
I would also like you to pray, read your Bible, or otherwise get close to God that day.

I will make sure to follow through on this request, Trevor.

March 25, 2013 Posted by | bloggers, Photography | | 1 Comment

Thank You!

Planting at 'Brilliant' - PHS Flower Show - Philly

Thanks to all who sent kind wishes after the passing of Tiny. The days have flown by so quickly and I want to make sure I acknowledge your kindness.

It is as I always suspected –  I have the best blog followers in the world.


March 11, 2013 Posted by | bloggers, Memorial | | 1 Comment

Survey Update

He catches the light so easily

Thanks to all who took time to complete the blog survey I posted in the beginning of January. I’ve extracted a fair bit of quality data from this survey that I am happy to share with you, dear readers. The data confirmed a few general ideas I had about the blog and illuminated some new and pleasantly surprising perceptions. Overall, I found the data extremely helpful while I craft the next phase of ‘MidnightBlue’.

I’ve crunched the data and I’m busy adding my commentary to the results. I will update this post tomorrow evening with both the data and my comments.

February 28, 2013 Posted by | bloggers | | 2 Comments

Snark Factor Tonight!

Listen live to the Snark Factor every Wednesday night at 8pm EST on FTR Radio where I will be joining Fingers Malloy, Irish Duke to bring news bites at the top of the hour followed by sparkling chats with invited guests. If you are a fan of my blog, you’ll know that I have an eclectic taste in news of the day.

On tap tonight:


Source: Uploaded by user via Tania on Pinterest

February 27, 2013 Posted by | bloggers, Entertainment | | 1 Comment

Blog Survey Update

I want to thank all of you who took the time to complete my blog survey. So far, I am happy with the quality of information I have received and delighted by the new insights that I have come to learn.

If you have not filled out the survey, please take a moment to do so. Your thoughts about this blog are important as I move forward with the redesign and refinement of blog posts.

Survey under the cut…

Continue reading

January 26, 2013 Posted by | bloggers | | 1 Comment

The Snark Factor Tonight

Listen live to the Snark Factor every Wednesday night at 8pm EST on FTR Radio where I will be joining Fingers Malloy, Irish Duke to bring news bites at the top of the hour followed by sparkling chats with invited guests. If you are a fan of my blog, you’ll know that I have an eclectic taste in news of the day.

On tap tonight:

Didn’t watch Hilary’s testimony today but I’m getting the sense that it was as truthful as Lance Armstrong’s interview with Oprah.

Gotham at Night!

Gotham at Night

January 23, 2013 Posted by | bloggers, Entertainment | | 2 Comments