MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

Blog Update

Let's Go for a Walk

Hey there, I hope your summer is going well. I’ve been quite busy myself with running, photography, and home improvement projects. Also, I’ve been busy collating design ideas for the upcoming blog redesign. I can tell you that it is quite a mess behind the scenes of the blog at the moment. I’m really looking forward to updating the look and functionality of this website. I’ve contacted Creative Kristi to work with me in the design and implimentation phase.  My overall idea is a clean, magazine style design that makes my photography jump off the page. Also, I’m incorporating the ideas readers so kindly suggested in a survey I posted in January.  I’ll be sure to post updates as the project moves forward.

I did it – I reserved a spot on September 8th to go skydiving! I’m so excited and nervous with an addition touch of excitement.  Just wait till you see the photos and video – hopefully I won’t look too terrified.

Later this fall, I plan on hosting a coffee talk with Philadelphia District Attorney candidate Danny Alvarez.   A nice, informal way for neighbors to meet the candidates and enjoy delicious baked goods.

2014 may find me traveling with The Giving Lens. It is a travel photography workshop that partners with NGO’s. Workshop participants learn more about photography and volunteer time with local non-profit organizations. Photography mixed with supporting a local non profit organization seems a win/win situation for me.

Stay tuned as there are lots of projects in the works and I can’t wait to share them!




August 19, 2013 - Posted by | bloggers |

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