MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

August 20th – Celebrate My Birthday With An Act of Kindness

Happy 4th!

For those wondering – the only gift I ask is an act of kindness done in my name on my birthday – August 20th.

Wherever you are in the world on August 20th; dedicate a moment to deliver an act of kindness. Volunteer at an animal shelter, hug your parents, check on an elderly neighbor, donate books, clothing, or food where needed.  Use this day to do share your love.

Let me know what you have done on August 20th – leave a comment, link a photo or a blog post sharing your act of kindness.

Thank you for helping to celebrate my birthday by making the world a little bit more happier 🙂

August 19, 2013 - Posted by | bloggers, Inspirational |

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