MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

It is Sunday Night and I’m Editing Photos with LR5

It’s Sunday evening and I’m relaxing in the afterglow of a solid eight mile run earlier in the day. Yes, people, the runner’s high is real and it is fabulous. I’d thought I’d work on editing photos taken weeks ago that had promise but needed something more to boost the images.

Prometheus gazing down at the crowds in the lower plaza of 30 Rockefeller Plaza. In this sculpture, Prometheus is seen bringing the fire of knowledge to humanity. Sadly, that fire seems to have not ignighted at the MSNBC offices that are right behind the statue.

Below is the edited photo. I converted the color image to B/W using Nik plugin Sliver Efex for LR5 and scaled the image to bring Prometheus and his fire into prominence.

The Gift of Fire


Here is the unedited image directly from the camera. I was quite a distance away from the statue on an upper level and had to nearly max out the zoom to get this image. I shot this with a compact point and shoot – Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX5.

NightphotographyJune 21, 2013-2.jpg


The pretty flower was taken at Longwood Gardens using my increasingly favorite lens, the 40mm f2/8 ‘pancake lens’.   I used a recently purchased LR preset to transform the flower into lovely shades of pink and turquoise.
Rain Will Make The Flowers Grow


I’m having way too much fun with photo editing tonight. I’m sure the planets are out of alignment as I rarely use the word fun in relation to photo editing.  Hopefully this will last a little while longer, I’ve dozens upon dozens of photos waiting to be edited and very little time to do so.






July 28, 2013 - Posted by | Photography, Skye's Toys | ,

1 Comment »

  1. Nice pictures!

    Comment by Trevor Hilton | July 30, 2013

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