MidnightBlue Backup

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Snark Factor Tonight

Listen live to the Snark Factor every Wednesday night at 8pm EST on FTR Radio where I will be joining Fingers Malloy, Irish Duke to bring news bites at the top of the hour followed by sparkling chats with invited guests. If you are a fan of my blog, you’ll know that I have an eclectic taste in news of the day.

On tap tonight:

Boston Marathon updates.

Federal agents are distributing photos of two different men – persons of interest not identified by name – who are seen carrying black bags.

Recently in Vermont, a short form bill has been proposed to make street photography illegal.

This bill proposes to make it illegal to take a photograph of a person without his or her consent, or to modify a photograph of a person without his or her consent, and to distribute it.
Read more at http://petapixel.com/2013/04/12/vermont-introduces-bill-that-would-make-it-illegal-to-photograph-a-person-without-consent/#TGMlGGIiwuGlsfA3.99

If legislation such as what Vermont is mulling was enacted in Massachusetts, the FBI would not be able to distribute photos of the two persons of interest in the Boston Marathon bombing. Nor would we have seen on-the-ground photos or videos from the bombing as it unfolded because it would be impossible for the photographer or videographer to get consent.

This reckless type of proposed legislation drives me crazy! Jared Polin at FroKnowsphoto.com shares his thoughts on this proposed bill.

April 17, 2013 - Posted by | bloggers, Entertainment |

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