MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

The Easter Egg Experience

Easter, a season of sweet traditions and nature’s rebirth. Every year that I can recall, my family displays our growing a collection of Pisanki; an Eastern European tradition of decorating eggs with symbols of life and rebirth. Unlike my relatives in Poland, I have zero artistic skill when it comes to creating my own Pisanki.

The best I’ve created look like the ones pictured below.  Over the years, I’ve created a style of Easter egg which projects to viewers a post modern, tie-dyed effect.  Don’t ask for precise details on how I create this style, I don’t have any good answers as to why.  It’s art, okay, that is all you need to know 🙂

Easter Eggs - Soon To Be Deviled Eggs :)

I also realize the Easter bunny table cloth adds the perfect amount of je ne sais quoi to the entire Easter egg experience.

This fine tradition comes with a useful life lesson – don’t judge an egg by its shell; what’s inside matters most. Nutrition data reveal that Easter egg whites are great source of good quality protein, nutrients and are low in calories.  Many of my colorful creations have found their way to local food banks, as I always make more than I need for myself, family and friends.

Other than munching on a Reese’s Peanut Butter bunny, coloring Easter eggs is fast becoming my favorite Easter tradition. I find I can feed a creative soul with art and feed a hungry person a healthy and nutritious food item – a win/win situation altogether.

 Find more inspiring traditions and recipes at Celebrate with Hershey’s. 


March 27, 2013 Posted by | holiday | , | Leave a comment

Snark Factor Tonight!

Listen live to the Snark Factor every Wednesday night at 8pm EST on FTR Radio where I will be joining Fingers Malloy, Irish Duke to bring news bites at the top of the hour followed by sparkling chats with invited guests. If you are a fan of my blog, you’ll know that I have an eclectic taste in news of the day.

On tap tonight:

The Supremes, The Supremes!  The robed bunch take on gay marriage – no one knows the outcome until they come out with their ruling.

Buster is a very grumpy dog;  apparently the darn Groundhog Punxa-whats-his-name LIED about the coming of Spring.

Buster is not amused.

Grumpy Dog

March 27, 2013 Posted by | bloggers, Entertainment | | Leave a comment