MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

Hello There!

Time flies when life happens.

Have been busy with work, travel and a half marathon in Virginia Beach. I didn’t really train for this Half and was ever so happy to complete the course with a sort of acceptable time of 2:14:00. Honestly, I had no idea how I would fare in this run since I made the decision to stop boot camp the month prior to this run. Brilliant move, girl.

As you can see in the short  FaceBook video below, I survived the run and was very, very happy to share the news:

I’ve gone back to bootcamp fitness training and have adding more miles of running per week in anticipation of  two big runs in April; The DC Cherry Blossom 10 miler and Nike Women’s Half Marathon. Also, the first Sunday in May is reserved for the awesome Philadelphia Broad Street Run where I am looking to PR.

The 2013 Philadelphia Flower Show this year showcased the best of Britain.  During my visit, I took a few hundred photos of the exhibits and found perhaps a dozen that actually look like I know how to work a camera.

Diner En Blanc Ideas

In a nutshell, I’ve been goofing off the past few weeks and have found myself behind in posting on the blog. No worries though as I  have some amazing content to share and plan to catch up on my posts this week.

One final note, an awesome reader of this blog is celebrating his birthday on March 30th and has made the following request:

For my birthday, Tania, I ask that you perform a random act of kindness to someone.
I would also like you to pray, read your Bible, or otherwise get close to God that day.

I will make sure to follow through on this request, Trevor.

March 25, 2013 Posted by | bloggers, Photography | | 1 Comment