MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

Blog Reader Survey

Hello dear readers!

I would greatly appreciate your thoughts and ideas on how to make this blog better for you.

If you have a few minutes, I’d love for you to answer a few questions on my fancy-pants Google docs survey form.  I’ll keep this survey open for the month of January before tabulating the results. In February, I’ll share the results of this survey on the blog.

Thanks for your help with this survey!

Apparently iFrame does not like to work with WordPress. Sorry for that.

Click  HERE for a direct link to the survey if you cannot view the survey embedded in the post.




January 2, 2013 - Posted by | bloggers, Social Media | ,


  1. Link?

    Comment by Kevin | January 2, 2013

  2. Okay, I did preview this post before scheduling it and all seemed well.

    I blame iFrame!

    I went back to the post adding a direct link to the survey and tried again to embed it as well.

    After updating, I previewed the post on FireFox, Internet Explorer, Chrome and Safari browsers with all showing the survey embedded in the post.

    Hope this fixes the problem 🙂

    Comment by Tania | January 2, 2013

  3. Success! 🙂 Good job.

    “iFrame” makes me think you’re referring to an Apple product.

    I haven’t used WordPress in a while, but switching between WYSIWYG and html view might automatically remove the iframe tag.

    Comment by Kevin | January 3, 2013

  4. Just filled it out.

    Comment by Trevor Hilton | January 3, 2013

  5. Thanks a bunch, Trevor!

    Comment by Tania | January 3, 2013

  6. Good idea to do this survey periodically. Self-assessment is always valuable!

    Comment by Friend | January 3, 2013

  7. good survey

    Comment by The Troll | January 9, 2013

  8. Thanks, Troll 🙂

    Comment by Tania | January 26, 2013

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