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Colorado Massacre – Social Media Rises

As much as the main stream media believes they control the news, the recent shooting in Colorado has shown the power and immediacy of Social Media.

The Colorado shooting spree proved beyond a doubt, we are all citizen journalists.
3 Most Important Conference Items

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July 21, 2012 Posted by | Memorial, National, Social Media | | 3 Comments

Colorado Movieplex Massacre

Moonlit Moonflower

12 killed and 58 injured in a brutal surprise attack on moviegoers attending a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises. The assailant, 24 year old James Holmes disguised himself as ‘the Joker’, a mortal enemy of Batman in the comic series before using tear gas to stun and disorient moviegoers before opening fire on them. In addition, authorities were notified by the assailant that his apartment was rigged with explosives. What horror this man was planning.

I cannot wrap my mind around the despicable actions of this broken young man. By what process did he lose his humanity? As I write this post, I’m not certain I want to know his why; as if there can be acceptable reason for the bloody execution of innocents.

My heart and thoughts are with the families of the victims and all those who were in the theater. Words seem such inadequate comfort for this senseless tragedy.

July 21, 2012 Posted by | Hot Headlines, Memorial, National | | 1 Comment