MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

Triathlon Trials

Source: trekbikes.com via Tania on Pinterest


I didn’t think my beautiful new road bike would become the epicenter of concern for the upcoming SheROX Triathlon in Philly.

Apparently, Belle and I are not on the same page.

Today I discovered the front derailleur was not working. The cable was too tightly wound and locked out my ability to shift to the large cog. *Sigh* I finished the ride then made a visit to my bicycle shop – again.  Last week, the problem was a loose quick release on the front tire.  It seems with each ride, I discover a new and unique problem. I think Belle is trying to send me a message – she is quite high maintenance bicycle.

Training is ongoing, cycling training is s-l-o-w-l-y coming along.


July 15, 2012 Posted by | Philadelphia | , , | 1 Comment

Mezamashii – A Brilliant Run

Thanks to Ericka at The Sweet Life blog, I was selected to receive  a pair of Mizuno running shoes. Mizuno sponsors the Mezamashii Run Project and has been working with bloggers who run to spread the word about their Mezamashii Run Project.

What is the Mezamashii Run Project? Mizuno explains:

The Mezamashii Run Project is an effort by Mizuno to help create a more euphoric running experience — a more “brilliant” run — for more runners everywhere. The word “mezamashii” means “eye-opening” or “brilliant” in Japanese — it’s a word that captures the euphoric feeling of a brilliant run.

A brilliant run – I’ve tasted that sweet feeling a time or two and it makes every nanosecond of early morning runs, weekend runs, midweek after work runs worth the time and effort. It makes up for every ache and pain or injury incurred during training runs. It blasts away dark doubts floating around your head as you contemplate where your running journey is taking you

Yes, a brilliant run can do that and much, much more.

Thanks to Ericka and Mizuno, I am looking forward to trying out the Alchemy 11 series. I fully intend to put this shoe to the test with the following upcoming races:

2012 SheRox Triathlon – Philly
2012 ING Rock&Roll Half Marathon – Philly
2012 Run the Bridge
2012 Philadelphia Marathon
2012 Annapolis Half Marathon

Source: mizunousa.com via Tania on Pinterest


Please check back here for an in-depth review of the Mizuno shoes and for entertaining race recaps.

Happy Running, All!

July 15, 2012 Posted by | bloggers, Inspirational | , | Leave a comment