MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

Farewell Marty

Source: google.com via Tania on Pinterest


Legendary screen actor Ernest Borgnine passed away today at the ripe old age of 95.

July 8, 2012 Posted by | Entertainment | | 1 Comment

Don’t Panic Monday

3 Most Important Conference Items

Monday, July 9th is the day nearly a half million people will lose internet access due to a malicious malware called DNS Changer.

Don’t panic. You most likely aren’t infected with DNS changer…I hope.

No need to build a survival shelter, just go HERE to see if your computer is free of this malware. If you see GREEN you are malware free.

Oh boy, this report might drive some stick their heads in the sand  – UNEMPLOYMENT RATE DROPPED IN EVERY STATE THAT ELECTED A REPUBLICAN GOV. IN 2010

July 8, 2012 Posted by | bloggers | , , | 2 Comments

iPhone Photography: The Visual Guide

I am delighted to share with you the release of Alli Worthington’s visual guide to iPhone photography applications.

iPhone Photography: The Visual Guide


Source: store.alliworthington.com via Tania on Pinterest


I spent the better part of Saturday afternoon reading this e-book. It is an easy, breezy read filled with great photos and how-to tips. This e-book covers a broad range of iPhoneography topics and gives the reader lots of food for thought. Although I have a bewildering collection of iPhone photo apps, I discovered one or two that I was not familiar with after reading this e-book. I love that I’m always building upon my knowledge base with photography and that there is always something new to discover with photography.

The e-book costs US $5 and for that price you get a guide that provides great foundational knowledge for new iPhone photographers and a plethora of new tips and apps for more experienced iPhoneographers.

This is inexpensive and useful tool to broaden your iPhoneography knowledge base. Android user? This guide would be useful for photographers using Android devices as well. The basics of photography covered in this e-book cross every platform. Also, some of the applications highlighted in this e-book have Android versions. IMHO, sometime in the near future most if not all apps will have both Apple and Android versions, similar to PC/Apple software versions.

For disclosure, Alli Worthington included a few of my iPhone photos in this e-book. Also, there is a link to this blog in acknowledgement section of this e-book. My opinion about this e-book is completely my own and not influenced by the above disclosure.

A running friend and newbie photographer, Trish, commented that I have so many photo apps for an iPhone user. Not sure about that, but I’ve decided to share with my readers the contents of my photography folders. Below the cut are screen caps of my iPhone photo app folders (4), I’ve used all the apps and can answer questions you may have about any of them.

Even with all the experience I have with using iPhone photography apps, I still found something new in iPhone Photography: The Visual Guide. This guide is an excellent reference tool and I highly recommend it for every Apple or Android photographers – newbie or experienced.


Continue reading

July 8, 2012 Posted by | bloggers, Photography, Product Review | , , | 2 Comments