MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

Lessons Learned at Blissdom 2012

More Fun Items at the Picha Photo Suite

In February I had the opportunity to attend the fabulous Blissdom conference in Nashville, TN.

The conference was packed full of knowledge, inspiration and networking. So much so, it took till now to sort through the experience and write about it. Actually, up until last week, I was still mulling over the best way to describe the essence of this conference. Then last week,  several narrow minded women decided to broadcast vicious misconceptions about Stay At Home Moms (SAHM’s) for blatant political reasons.

I was stunned at the cynical and ignorant tone of these statements, yet their words helped focus my impression of the Blissdom conference and attendees.

It was my pleasure to spend time with 700+ women (and a few gentlemen), a majority of whom claim the title of  Mom. In fact, several attendees brought their children with them to this conference.  Of the mom’s in attendance, I suspect a large portion of them are SAHM’s.

My impressions after interacting with the attendees was 1,000% positive.  I truly suspect there are several ‘Bill Gates’ in the making within the Blissdom community. This in not hyperbole on my part, the women I encountered have brilliant branding and marketing skills. They have drive, a positive attitude and the entrepreneurial skills to be successful in their ventures. The organizers of the Blissdom Conference – the Bliss Chicks – completely get this and have created a powerful platform to celebrate,  promote and support women entrepreneurs within the online community.

While our nation struggles with a faltering economy, women who run craft business from home are revolutionizing the corporate landscape and blazing new trails of economic opportunity for others. Blissdom organizers  sponsored a Handmade Marketplace to highlight and support these at home entrepreneurs.

These women wear many hats – mom, entrepreneur, blogger, photographer, writer, artist, future Bill Gates – they cannot be so easily dismissed or placed into a one size fits no-one political category. These women (and men) represent hope. Hope for a better tomorrow for their family, for their community, for our nation.  It is a beautiful thing to should be celebrated and supported and thanks to the Blissdom Conference and its online community – it is 🙂



April 19, 2012 - Posted by | bloggers, Conference | ,

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