MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

Protect Your Voice

We live in an amazing age of information pollination, where news and views can be disseminated globally literally within minutes. This technology allows for information sharing and collaboration between distant populations in ways that were practically and physically impossible a decade or two ago.

In recent months there has been an insidious threat to this wellspring of information in the form of SOPA. Bloggers and citizen journalists, better known as new media journalists, are not afforded the same protections within the legal system as print media journalists. They lack coverage under state shield laws and are not granted Freedom of the Press rights. The dissemination of information is no longer controlled by traditional media outlets, and shield laws should be updated to reflect this shift in reporting.

Protect your Voice.

Sign the Petition. 


February 9, 2012 Posted by | bloggers, media | | Leave a comment