MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

UPDATED! Gaining Bliss and Much, Much More at Blissdom 2012

Gonna Get My Bliss On at Blissdom!

UPDATE:  Thanks to all the commentators for you kind words of welcome!  I will make a point to meet each one of your personally at BlissDom 12.

This coming February 23 to the 25th I will be indulging in some well earned Bliss – I’m attending the 2012 BlissDom Conference in Nashville, TN.

What is BlissDom Conference? It is a highly regarded conference for women who find bliss in blogging. The conference attracts talented, highly skilled experts in Social Media, Blogging, Publishing, and Public Relations to share their knowledge with Blissdom attendees.

Allison Worthington, Paula Bruno, and Barbara Jones of Blissdom Events are the dynamic trio that make Blissdom the premier women’s conference in the United States and Canada.

There a several reasons I’m attending this conference, the most important reason is the subject matter presented at this conference. The four tracks presented: Life Development, Photography, Writing, and Business are presented in a way that engages the audience to put into practice the subject of discussion then evaluate their results.

Pure Awesomeness.

Gone are top down lectures followed by a brief Q&A.  This format is a highly effective way to share knowledge and it is what sold me on attending BlissDom.

Although I may be a ‘newbie’ to BlissDom, I’m quite experienced in attending conferences for professional and personal reasons. I’m looking forward to this conference, as I feel I’m stepping out of my comfort zone and entering into the unknown. Typically at conferences I’m surrounded by familiar faces and subject matter. With BlissDom, however, the only person I’ll recognize is Alli Worthington. Most bloggers, if not all, attending this conference are not regular readers of my blog. I see this conference is an opportunity to introduce myself and find common ground within a blogging community that rarely crosses my blogging path.

So, if you are planning to attend BlissDom 12, please leave a comment and feel free to say hello at the conference. You can spot me as I will be sporting a Sting – Dream of the Blue Turtles purse:

Dream of the Blue Turtles Purse

PS: I’m flying into Nashville on February 22nd and I’m looking for photo walk tips around Nashville and good running trails near the Opryland Hotel.


January 16, 2012 - Posted by | bloggers, Conference, Entertainment | , ,


  1. Have a wonderful time in Nashville. Stay warm.

    Comment by D. B. Light | January 17, 2012

  2. I’d love to visit Nashville sometime. Go see the Grand Ole Opry House, and the Ryman Theater.

    Comment by Trevor Hilton | January 18, 2012

  3. I can’t wait to finally neet you! YAY!

    Comment by Alli Worthington (@AlliWorthington) | January 19, 2012

  4. Hi! I’ll be attending Blissdom, too. This will be my 4th one and I’m absolutely thrilled about the changed format and the chance to really engage and learn.

    I look forwarding to meeting you and learning more about you! See you soon!

    Comment by Rachel - A Southern Fairytale | January 19, 2012

  5. Oh you are going to LOOOVE Blissdom!! This is my 2nd year, and I can’t wait! 🙂
    I would love to meet you, come see me at the handmade market — I will be the one with the impossibly cute baby boy 🙂

    Comment by Kim | January 19, 2012

  6. Can’t wait to meet you, Tania!! I’ll be on the look out for a Sting purse 😉

    Comment by Karen Hammons | January 19, 2012

  7. So excited you are coming! be prepared for out of control squealing, high fiving and hugs!

    Comment by Dedra Herod | January 19, 2012

  8. Welcome! You’ll love it – we can’t wait to meet you!

    Comment by Deanna | January 19, 2012

  9. So excited you’ll be joining us! Hooray!

    Comment by Arianne @BlissDom | January 19, 2012

  10. We are going to have so much fun! Buckle up Butter Cup! It’s going to be a fantastic ride!

    Comment by Melanie | January 19, 2012

  11. Hey Tania!
    I’m a Community Leader at Blissdom and someone mentioned a link to your site…I moseyed over and see you are a PHILADELPHIAN!! Me too!!

    I’m also host of Real Mom Radio on Ben FM. We TOTALLY have to connect!


    Joey Fortman

    Comment by Joey Fortman | January 19, 2012

  12. Hello! I’m so glad I found your site today. This will be my 3rd Blissdom. I think you’ll find a new comfort zone at Blissdom. Everyone is so wonderful – Can’t wait to meet you:)

    Comment by Holly | January 19, 2012

  13. You have no clue how much I love Sting. Watch that purse, missy. 😉

    Can’t wait to meet you. You’re going to have a blast!

    Comment by Amy @ Taste Like Crazy | January 19, 2012

  14. How awesome that you will be attending Blissdom! I have only attended the ones in Canada so far and they have all been wonderful. I am a Community Leader for Photography, so feel free to head on over to the Photography track and jump in on one of my round tables. Would love to meet you!

    Comment by Anna aka. BeachMama | January 19, 2012

  15. Fabulous! So excited you are joining us – you will fall in love…. Can’t wait to meet you. Enjoy every second! xoxo

    Comment by DanielleeSmith | January 19, 2012

  16. Oooh! You are going to LOVE Blissdom! Amazing speakers, fabulous content, SPARKLES, and squealing…and the learning….oh my gosh. This is my third year and I can’t wait to see all the new faces! Hope to see you there! You in for a great time!

    Comment by Amanda @ High Impact Mom | January 19, 2012

  17. So fun to have you with us this year! Can’t wait to meet you!

    Comment by Sarah Kimmel {Tech4Moms} | January 19, 2012

  18. So excited to meet you! You’re going to have such a great time at Blissdom.

    Comment by Nish | January 19, 2012

  19. You will have a great time at Blissdom! This is my 4th year; you will leave so inspired!

    Comment by Jody | January 19, 2012

  20. Hello, new friend. I will be attending Blissdom again this year. It is my 3rd and I love it so much. I will be one of the Video/Vlogging Community Leaders and I can not wait to meet you. Do come and find me, yes, so we can share a hug!

    Comment by Lu | January 19, 2012

  21. Can’t wait to see you there! I’m a Photography Community Leader and it looks like you’re a photographer, so we should definitely connect.

    Comment by Amber, theAmber Show | January 19, 2012

  22. So glad you’re coming too Gail! How far are you looking to run? I’ll be trying to squeeze in a few runs too.

    Comment by Emily @ The Pilot's Wife | January 19, 2012

  23. Woohoo! I’m so excited to meet you Tania! You will love Blissdom – so much love, laughter and learning…okay that made me sound like a major alliterated dork. LOL!

    Comment by Myra @ My Blessed Life | January 19, 2012

  24. Hi there!! I’m a newbie Community Leader and can’t wait to meet you!! I’m going to some photography sessions and would Love to join you around Nashville on Weds for photo ops!! I didn’t get to last year.
    Let me know by emailing me or @ me on twitter if you’d like to. @funkyfaithgirl

    Comment by Leigh | January 19, 2012

  25. Broadway both during the day and at night is my favorite place to take pictures. As far as running? Pfft. Nope, sorry. 🙂

    Hope to meet you and that you have so much fun!

    Comment by moosh in indy. | January 19, 2012

  26. Welcome!!! Can’t wait to meet you! There are photo walks thru Opryland during the conference. As for running – it may be a wee bit cold outside but the hotel does have a very nice gym. Find me. I am always up for a run 🙂

    Comment by Kat | January 19, 2012

  27. YAY!! Looking forward to meeting you and seeing that awesome purse in person. I had a blast just walking around the hotel and taking photos, it is like a world in itself.

    Comment by domestic extraordinaire | January 19, 2012

  28. This is my first Blissdom, too! I’ll try to find you at the Newbies get together. 🙂

    Comment by Megan at SortaCrunchy | January 19, 2012

  29. Last year was my first Blissdom, although like you I am not new to blog conferences. I was surprised as how many people I knew via social media. I’m sure you will be surprised how many people you know too.

    I’m one of the Newcomer Community Leaders and can’t wait to welcome you to Blissdom in person!

    Comment by Condo Blues | January 19, 2012

  30. I’m one of the newbie community leaders and I’m so excited to see everyone who is coming this year! I cannot WAIT. We are going to have a blast – pure and simple.

    Comment by Angela England | January 19, 2012

  31. I LOVE Blissdom — it is so much better than all the other bloggity blog conventions both for the business aspect or even in our realm: politics. I, unfortunately, have to teach this year so I can’t get away but I’m CERTAIN you will have a great time, full of rich experiences.

    Comment by Molly Teichman | January 19, 2012

  32. I will be there. This will be my first Blissdom conference and my second blogging conference. I live in Chattanooga so I don’t know a lot about the walking around Nashville, but it is an absolutely beautiful place so I know you’ll get some awesome shots. See you there!

    Comment by April | January 19, 2012

  33. Hi Tania – Stopping by to spread some newcomer love! It’s my first bliss but I’m a conference veteran so I’m one of the Community Leaders. And after checking out your site, I’m sort of excited to meet you (fellow conservative here 😉 )

    Comment by Fadra | January 19, 2012

  34. I cannot WAIT to meet you!

    Comment by Beth Anne | January 19, 2012

  35. I’m coming too! This is my 3rd year and I’m so excited about meeting all the new faces!

    Comment by Erica Mueller | January 19, 2012

  36. Wow! Impressive welcome 🙂 I look forward to meeting all of you at Blissdom 🙂

    Comment by Tania | January 20, 2012

  37. I’ll be the one in running gear 🙂

    Comment by Tania | January 20, 2012

  38. See you there, Karen!

    Comment by Tania | January 20, 2012

  39. Can’t wait to meet you! This is my 3rd year attending. It’s a blast and you get to meet so many great people.

    Comment by Beth @ In Good Cents | January 20, 2012

  40. Looking forward to chatting tech with you at Blissdom 🙂

    Comment by Tania | January 20, 2012

  41. Emily, I’m looking at 3-6 mile runs around the hotel or in Nashville.

    Comment by Tania | January 21, 2012

  42. Thanks! Checked out your blog – so many great savings tips – I will be back 🙂

    Comment by Tania | January 21, 2012

  43. Its my first Blissdom too! I’ll be at the newbies on Thursday as well! I’m sure I’ll spot your purse!

    Comment by Carrie | February 9, 2012

  44. Gotta love another hometown girl! (though I currently live in S Jersey, please don’t judge me, I had no choice!) This is my first conference ever and I’m thrilled to pieces over having the opportunity to go.

    I’ll be on the lookout for that purse! Would love to meet you.

    Comment by Mrs. Jen B | February 9, 2012

  45. Can’t wait to meet ALL of you! I’m a newbie too and I’m just getting to all of this pre-conference stuff!!! Woohoo! 3 more sleeps!

    Comment by Annie | February 19, 2012

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