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Master Mezmerizer Has Lost His Mojo….

….A direct quote from Iowa Congressman Steve King’s remarks at CPAC.

I had the opportunity to chat with the Congressman after his speech and ask him to further explain this statement:

And after all of these months of debate and negotiations, it comes down to this: if you start out with that tainted stew, there is no part of it that Americans want. We don’t want a pot full, we don’t want a bowl full, we don’t want a spoon full, a cup full, or any kind measure of toxic stew called socialized medicine. We want it dead. Throw it out and start over.

I was impressed with his support for stand alone legislation regarding healthcare – no cornhusker kickback need apply. He also advocated a more careful and measured approach to reforming healthcare by ‘fixing the things that are wrong, let the free market do the rest and find out what the next flaw is.”

The interview lasts about 15 minutes, again I would suggest you turn up the volume when viewing the video. It was a rather busy lobby to shoot video.

PS: Just ignore the bad hair day, okay 🙂

February 25, 2010 - Posted by | bloggers |

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  1. […] made themselves available for interviews. When Congressman Chris King came by Blogger’s Row, Skye had the chance to interview him, while I played cameraman. There was a lot of commotion in the […]

    Pingback by Alternative to Obamacare - stix’s Diary - RedState | February 25, 2010

  2. […] themselves available for interviews.   When Congressman Chris King came by Blogger’s Row, Skye had the chance to interview him, while I played cameraman.   There was a lot of commotion in the […]

    Pingback by Alternative to Obamacare | Stix Blog ver 4.0 | February 26, 2010

  3. […] made themselves available for interviews. When Congressman Steve King came by Blogger’s Row, Skye had the chance to interview him, while I played cameraman. There was a lot of commotion in the […]

    Pingback by Alternative to Obamacare - stix’s Diary - RedState | February 26, 2010

  4. […] made themselves available for interviews. When Congressman Steve King came by Blogger’s Row, Skye had the chance to interview him, while I played cameraman. There was a lot of commotion in the […]

    Pingback by Alternative to Obamacare : Stix Blog | February 26, 2010

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