MidnightBlue Backup

A backup blog like no other

West Chester, PA – Berkeley Style

A beautiful Saturday in Berkeley West Chester, Pa brought out patriots to the steps of the West Chester Courthouse to remind the town that there are people who love and support our troops and their mission. We welcomed another local veteran into our fold this week. We are happy to have him join us and look forward to more gatherings with him. The peace protesters were out in force, as usual, they had a plethora of ad hominen attacks, but nothing of substance to offer to the debate. What is it with peace protesters and parking illegally?

Speaking of debate, today there was a showdown of sorts in Berkeley, CA over Berkeley City Council’s recent ruling to evict the Marines as univited, unwelcome, intruders and its official encouragement of Code Pink to impede the work of the Marines by protesting in front of the recruiting station.

During the protest members of Code Pink held signs of support for the troops as pictured below:

On a previous visit to the recruiting office, Code Pink left a creative way to show love and support for our military:

I know you are curious to know how this is linked to a small town in rural Pennsylvania. Well, it seems my favorite peace movement – Chester County Peace Movement, under the direction of Karen Porter, has been begging for support from the PhillyDelawareRiverAreaCodePink. It seems CCPM is now the BFF of Code Pink Delaware Valley. I’m sure the membership is more than happy to share the same love and support for our troops as their sisters in Berkeley. Both organizations support the troops – don’t you know…

Sadly, her husband would not be welcome in Berkeley; if the Chester County Peace Movement and their new friends from Code Pink have their way, West Chester, PA will also be off limits to him as well.

Just to clarify what Code Pink and the CCPM mean when they say they ‘support our troops’, I present the following video:

February 12, 2008 Posted by | Pennsylvania | | Leave a comment

West Chester, PA – Berkeley Style

A beautiful Saturday in Berkeley West Chester, Pa brought out patriots to the steps of the West Chester Courthouse to remind the town that there are people who love and support our troops and their mission. We welcomed another local veteran into our fold this week. We are happy to have him join us and look forward to more gatherings with him.

The peace protesters were out in force, as usual, they had a plethora of ad hominen attacks, but nothing of substance to offer to the debate. What is it with peace protesters and parking illegally?

Speaking of debate, today there was a showdown of sorts in Berkeley, CA over Berkeley City Council’s recent ruling to evict the Marines as univited, unwelcome, intruders and its official encouragement of Code Pink to impede the work of the Marines by protesting in front of the recruiting station.

During the protest members of Code Pink held signs of support for the troops as pictured below:

On a previous visit to the recruiting office, Code Pink left a creative way to show love and support for our military:

I know you are curious to know how this is linked to a small town in rural Pennsylvania. Well, it seems my favorite peace movement – Chester County Peace Movement, under the direction of Karen Porter, has been begging for support from the PhillyDelawareRiverAreaCodePink. It seems CCPM is now the BFF of Code Pink Delaware Valley. I’m sure the membership is more than happy to share the same love and support for our troops as their sisters in Berkeley. Both organizations support the troops – don’t you know…

Sadly, her husband would not be welcome in Berkeley; if the Chester County Peace Movement and their new friends from Code Pink have their way, West Chester, PA will also be off limits to him as well.

Just to clarify what Code Pink and the CCPM mean when they say they ‘support our troops’, I present the following video:

February 12, 2008 Posted by | liberalism, west chester rally | Leave a comment

A Most Excellent CPAC

I‘m surrounded by a collection of memorabilia from this weekend’s CPAC in Washington DC as I write this letter. Reflecting on the meeting events, it occurs to me that the magic and appeal of CPAC does not come from the political glitterati that sweep in for a speech then leave; but from the people who are on the front lines of preserving conservative values around this nation and abroad. These are MY people, it was an honor to spend quality time with them, instead of the glitterati.

What is CPAC? It is the Conservative Political Action Conference – a yearly event in Washington DC which gathers together conservative supporters, innovators, political leaders, and bloggers for three days of intensive networking and workshops. Of course this event peaked the interest of this Philly conservative-leaning blogger who also happens to be a registered Democrat. Turns out, I wasn’t the only democrat present at this event.

Outside of attending VP Cheney’s speech, I favored attending smaller panel discussions that peaked my interest. During the course of this whirlwind conference, I chatted briefly with Mark Steyn, traded diva secrets and political wisdom with the incomparable Pamela Gellar. Snagged a bobblehead John Adams figurine. Listened to the raw and unedited experiences of three Iraq/Afghanistan War heros and made sure I thanked each one of them for their service – the bear hug from a Navy Seal was icing on the cake. Took copious notes at a television training seminar. Asked a ton of questions during a New Media discussion panel, took in a screening of Outside the Wire: Anbar Awakening. Supported the Declaration Against Genocide. Shook the hand of John Bolton, Steven Milloy and Rick Santorum. Met nationally recognized bloggers whom I consider legends. Lost my cell phone only to have it returned to me by Mary Katherine Ham. John Hawkins of RightWingNews was instrumental in getting me a seat at the Ronald Reagan Banquet where I stood and cheered the loudest when Philly’s own Dr. Alan C. Kors was presented with the Academic Freedom Award.

The weekend was not without any issues. Exploring the exhibit hall, I made a point to seek out the conservative women’s rights groups. Talking with them, I took issue with the lack of response by these groups to the recent use by al-queda of mentally challenged women as suicide bombers. They seemed interested in my issue and I hope this leads them to a closer examination of womens rights across the globe. It was noted that the National Organization of Women was not present at the meeting, I would have liked to get their statement on this issue.

While in the company of my political and activist peers, my perception of conservatism was both challenged and enhanced. There is more to learn and much work to be done. I will end this letter and get to that work with a renewed sense of hope for a brighter future.

February 10, 2008 Posted by | National | | Leave a comment

A Most Excellent CPAC

I‘m surrounded by a collection of memorabilia from this weekend’s CPAC in Washington DC as I write this letter. Reflecting on the meeting events, it occurs to me that the magic and appeal of CPAC does not come from the political glitterati that sweep in for a speech then leave; but from the people who are on the front lines of preserving conservative values around this nation and abroad. These are MY people, it was an honor to spend quality time with them, instead of the glitterati.

What is CPAC? It is the Conservative Political Action Conference – a yearly event in Washington DC which gathers together conservative supporters, innovators, political leaders, and bloggers for three days of intensive networking and workshops. Of course this event peaked the interest of this Philly conservative-leaning blogger who also happens to be a registered Democrat. Turns out, I wasn’t the only democrat present at this event.

Outside of attending VP Cheney’s speech, I favored attending smaller panel discussions that peaked my interest. During the course of this whirlwind conference, I chatted briefly with Mark Steyn, traded diva secrets and political wisdom with the incomparable Pamela Gellar. Snagged a bobblehead John Adams figurine. Listened to the raw and unedited experiences of three Iraq/Afghanistan War heros and made sure I thanked each one of them for their service – the bear hug from a Navy Seal was icing on the cake. Took copious notes at a television training seminar. Asked a ton of questions during a New Media discussion panel, took in a screening of Outside the Wire: Anbar Awakening. Supported the Declaration Against Genocide. Shook the hand of John Bolton, Steven Milloy and Rick Santorum. Met nationally recognized bloggers whom I consider legends. Lost my cell phone only to have it returned to me by Mary Katherine Ham. John Hawkins of RightWingNews was instrumental in getting me a seat at the Ronald Reagan Banquet where I stood and cheered the loudest when Philly’s own Dr. Alan C. Kors was presented with the Academic Freedom Award.

The weekend was not without any issues. Exploring the exhibit hall, I made a point to seek out the conservative women’s rights groups. Talking with them, I took issue with the lack of response by these groups to the recent use by al-queda of mentally challenged women as suicide bombers. They seemed interested in my issue and I hope this leads them to a closer examination of womens rights across the globe. It was noted that the National Organization of Women was not present at the meeting, I would have liked to get their statement on this issue.

While in the company of my political and activist peers, my perception of conservatism was both challenged and enhanced. There is more to learn and much work to be done. I will end this letter and get to that work with a renewed sense of hope for a brighter future.

February 10, 2008 Posted by | CPAC | Leave a comment

Join Skye Tonight Live On The JPA Live Show

LIVE! 9PM Eastern / 8PM Central / 7PM Mountain / 6PM Pacific
CPAC 2008: Day 3
Call In At 1-646-716-8993
AUDIO With Chat Room
Once the live show is over,
the above links will play the recorded broadcast.

February 9, 2008 Posted by | CPAC | Leave a comment

Anbar Awakens

OutsideTheWire.com is making their world premiere at CPAC today and Skye is there. They are screening their documentary film “Anbar Awakens” followed by a panel discussion of the surge and the Anbar Awakening. Panelists Jeff Emanuel and Bill Roggio will share their experiences on recent embeds and take questions.

February 9, 2008 Posted by | CPAC, Iraq | Leave a comment

CPAC 2008 – Day 2

Hello! I met John Hakwins tonight! Hello! His blog
RightWingNews is a daily must read for those actually interested in insightful perspectives of modern conservatism.

Oh yeah…I also bumped into John Bolton, Rick Santorum, Erik of Non Parsan!, Steven Milloy, and some dude blogging for the Weekly Standard.

Oh, what a day!

February 8, 2008 Posted by | National | | Leave a comment

CPAC 2008 – Day 2

Hello! I met John Hakwins tonight! Hello! His blog
RightWingNews is a daily must read for those actually interested in insightful perspectives of modern conservatism.

Oh yeah…I also bumped into John Bolton, Rick Santorum, Erik of Non Parsan!, Steven Milloy, and some dude blogging for the Weekly Standard.

Oh, what a day!

February 8, 2008 Posted by | CPAC | Leave a comment

Join Skye Tonight Live On The JPA Live Show

LIVE! 9PM Eastern / 8PM Central / 7PM Mountain / 6PM Pacific
CPAC 2008: Day 2
Call In At 1-646-716-8993
AUDIO With Chat Room
Once the live show is over,
the above links will play the recorded broadcast.

February 8, 2008 Posted by | 08 Election, CPAC | Leave a comment

CPAC 2008 Impressions

Today’s events at CPAC were worth waking up a 4am and driving 3.5 hours through beltway traffic. Mitt bowing out, McCain hires a Reaganesque speech writer and VP Cheney stopped by for a visit – and this was just day one! Meeting Atlas Shrugs, chatting with Mark Steyn, and employing my moonbat slayer skills livened up an already eventful day.

Videos will be up shortly after I get some sleep. Until then, I’ve posted a few select photos of the day for your perusal.

February 7, 2008 Posted by | National | | Leave a comment